Third party library link error in Qt Creator

I need to decode pcm data to opus format. So I want to include the opus source in my project, but cannot link the files. I downloaded the source file opus-1.1.tar.gz

from here . In Qt Creator, I added all files to my pro


$$PWD/opus/opus/celt \
$$PWD/opus/opus/celt/arm \
$$PWD/opus/opus/celt/tests \
$$PWD/opus/opus/celt/x86 \
$$PWD/opus/opus/silk \
$$PWD/opus/opus/silk/arm \
$$PWD/opus/opus/silk/fixed \
$$PWD/opus/opus/silk/float \
$$PWD/opus/opus/include \

// and here would come an abnormous listing of all c- and h-files of opus:
SOURCES += ... 
HEADERS += ... 


At compile time, I get a warning from stack_alloc.h

#if (!defined (VAR_ARRAYS) && !defined (USE_ALLOCA) && !defined (NONTHREADSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK))
#error "Opus requires one of VAR_ARRAYS, USE_ALLOCA, or NONTHREADSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK be defined to select the temporary allocation mode."


For example, USE_ALLOCA

defined in config.h

c opus/win32

. From what I've seen, the file config.h

is only included like this:

#include "config.h"


But in none of the files provided with the source I can find #define HAVE_CONFIG_H

. Also, the file config.h

has a #include "version.h"

. This file is also not supplied with the source. I really don't know how I can use Opus-lib. It might not be that hard, but I don't find a minimal minimal example.

I am using windows 8, mingw and c ++ but the c.


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