Invalid selections mono

I have a selectonemenu that includes some items. And a zero item to show "please select one" .. My goal is to ask for some data when I select one of them. And if I choose "please pick one", do something else.

But in the end the change event is fired for normal values, but if I select "please select one" it will not be fired. Thank you for your help. Here is my code.

<p:selectOneMenu style="width: 200px" id="positionForward" value="#{hrProcessController.queryCriteria.positionForward}" converter="listConverter"
                                             effect="fade" var="u" filter="true" filterMatchMode="startsWith" validator="#{hrProcessController.isOpenPositionForwValid}">
                                <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{menu['onemenu.choose']}" itemValue="#{null}"/>
                                <f:selectItems value="#{hrProcessController.positionList}" var="position" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{position}" />
                                <p:ajax event="change" listener="#{hrProcessController.onPositionSelect}" update="openPositionForward"/>

                                    <h:outputText value="#{u==null ? menu['onemenu.choose'] :}" />

public void onPositionSelect()
        OpenPositionQueryCriteria criteria = new OpenPositionQueryCriteria();
        List<OpenPosition> openPositions = openPositionService.searchOpenPosition(criteria);
        List<OpenPosition> positions = openPositionService.getActiveOpenPositionList();



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2 answers

If you use itemValue="#{null}"

or itemValue=""

, the valueChangeListener method will never be called.

This is the best approach if you want your first element to be null:

            itemValue="#{null}" /> 




I had the same problem. Change the event DO NOT DELETE by choosing the default value. Why is it so far from me. This is usually normal. I haven't found a real solution. You should try to write a custom validator and converter for this. Try this: Using "Please select" f: selectItem with null / empty value inside p: selectOneMenu

OK, I finally found a solution to this!

you need to add immediate = "true" to the ajax call. The addition immediately tells ajax to ignore any possible validation errors and call onChange anyway. Try it.



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