OpenCV: get 3D coordinates from triangulated points

I'm trying to get a point cloud from two stereo images using OpenCV, but I can't get the coordinates.

  • I found the coordinates of the points using Optical Flow
  • I found projection matrices for cameras.
Mat RT1;<br>
hconcat(R, T1, RT1);<br>
Mat P1 = C*RT1;<br>


R is a 3x3 rotation matrix, T is a 3x1 transformation matrix (column), P1 is a projection matrix.

  1. I am passing them to the triangulatePoints function
triangulatePoints(P1, P2, leftPoints, rightPoints, out);


P1 and P2 - 3x4 projection matrix (Mat_ <double>). leftPoints and rightPoints std :: vector for Point2f. What's wrong? This should be a 1xN matrix of 4D coordinates. Is it Vec4f?

I am trying to get coordinates

for (int i = 0; i < out.cols; i++)
  Vec4f vec =<Vec4f>(0, i);
  float w = vec[3];
  stream << "v " << vec[0] / w << " " << vec[1]/w << " " << vec[2]/w << "\n";


But I have two problems:

  • This is a loop exception (works for small i, around 20% out.cols)

OpenCV error: assertion failed (dims <= 2 && & & (unsigned) i0 <(unsigned) si ze.p [0] && (unsigned) (i1 * DataType <_Tp> :: channels) <(without sign) (size.p 1 * cha nnels ()) && & && & (((sizeof (size_t) <28) | 0x8442211) → ((DataType <_Tp> :: depth) and ((1 <3) - 1 )) * 4) and 15) == elemSize1 ()) in cv :: Mat :: at, file c: \ opencv \ build \ includes e \ opencv2 \ core \ mat.inl.hpp, line 89

I think this is some kind of index range exception

  • The result is very strange: Image

So, I am doing something wrong. How to work correctly with this function and get 3D coordinates of points? Hope you can help me.


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1 answer

I don't understand exactly your approach to getting coordinates.

As far as I can see, you shouldn't be accessing elements like<Vec4f>(0, i);


Instead, do the following:

float x =<float>(0, i);
float y =<float>(1, i);
float z =<float>(2, i);
float w =<float>(3, i);
stream << "v " << x << " " << y << " " << z << "\n";


Or use double

... depending on whether you are of out

type CV_32F

or CV_64F


This is how I do it:

Mat points3DHomogeneous;
triangulatePoints(projectionMatrixL, projectionMatrixR, pointsL, pointsR, points3DHomogeneous);




enter image description here



enter image description here



    700 250
    200 300
    600 350
    400 400
    500 450
    600 500
    700 550
    800 600
    150 650
    1000 700




    690 250
    180 300
    590 350
    385 400
    495 450
    575 500
    691 550
    782 600
    120 650
    960 700



- result:

enter image description here



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