How to call strings from strings.xml into arraylist

I am using ArrayList

and all strings are hardcoded in the adapter, but now I need multi-language support for my application. I think the best way to do this is to move all my hardcoded strings into strings.xml file and then render all the strings files I need for different languages.

I've already translated the hardcoded strings into my strings.xml file, but now I'm not sure how to call them in ArrayList

instead of having the hardcoded string there.

public class Adapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<Adapter.ViewHolder> {

List<AdapterData> mItems;

public Adapter() {
mItems = new ArrayList<>();
AdapterData data = new AdapterData();
data.setQuestion("How Old Are You?");
data.setAnswer("I Am 21 Years Old");

data = new AdapterData();
data.setQuestion("Where Were You Born?");
data.setAnswer("I Was Born In The USA");

data = new AdapterData();
data.setQuestion("Are You Male or Female?");
data.setAnswer("I Am Male");


public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
View v = LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext())
        .inflate(R.layout.recycler_view_card_item, viewGroup, false);
return new ViewHolder(v);

public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int i) {
AdapterData data = mItems.get(i);

public int getItemCount() {

return mItems.size();

class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{

public TextView mQuestion;
public TextView mAnswer;

public ViewHolder(View itemView) {
    mQuestion = (TextView)itemView.findViewById(;
    mAnswer = (TextView)itemView.findViewById(;





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6 answers

To provide an alternative, you can also use a string array

<string name="how_old_are_you">How old are you?</string>
<string name="are_you_male_or_female">Are you male or female?</string>

<string name="i_am_21">I am 21 years old</string>
<string name="i_was_born_in_the_usa">I was born in the USA</string>

<string-array name="questions">

<string-array name="answers">


To use a string array as a list,

List<String> questions = Arrays.asList(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.questions));


This might come in handy.



If you want an array of strings, I think a string array is the best choice. Create an XML file called arrays.xml and put below code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

     <string-array name="array_name">
        <item>String 1</item>
        <item>String 2</item>
        <item>String 3</item>
        <item>String 4</item>
        <item>String 5</item>



Then get the string arrays:

String[] myStrings = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.array_name); 




what you can do is

write below line in string.xml file

 <string name="How_Old_Are_You">How Old Are You?</string>


and you have an arraylist



for reference see below link

how to read value from string.xml in android?

another possible solution might be if you create string array in string.xml file which will be easier

 string-array name="tabs_names"> 
    <item>My Tab 1</item> 
    <item>My Tab 2</item>


and in your action write below lines to access the array.

 String[] tab_names = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.tab_names);
 String tabname1=tab_names[0];//"My Tab 1"




You can get these lines using

String stringOne= getResources().getString(R.string.stringOne);


So using ArrayList you can do the following:



To get them all at once, you need to name these lines in the xml file in some template.




So your strings.xml file looks like

    <string name="string_0">First String</string>
    <string name="string_1">Second String</string>
    <string name="string_2">Third String</string>


And then you can use

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStringsInStringsXML; i++){
int id = getResources().getIdentifier("string_"+i, string, getPackage());
String string= getResources().getString(id);


Finally, you will get all the lines in yourArrayList .

Then you can use ArrayList to set your data for the adapter.



Make resource array of strings:

    <string-array name="questions">


Make localized versions of your questions. Then in your action code you can use

String[] questions = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.questions);


You can use String [] directly, or if you need it like using a list Arrays.asList(questions);



You can getResources (), getString (string from strings.xml).

So you can do:





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