How to access element of array SimpleXMLElement Object in php

Well I am trying to solve this problem as I am linked with linkedin and am trying to access the following xml object in php to print and only access names.

XML output:

SimpleXMLElement Object(
    [id] => MFNqBCcdLOLO
    [first-name] => James
    [last-name] => Bond
    [picture-url] =>


and my printable PHP code above:

    $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
    if($response['success'] === TRUE) {
       $response['data'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
       //insert linkedin_userprofile table...
       $linkedin = new Linkedinprofile();

       echo "<pre>" . print_r($response['data'], TRUE) . "</pre>";


Now if anyone can help:


Now print the output, how can I access the $response['data'][first-name]


Please guys if anyone knows how to do this then it would be great if you would like to know how to access. I have also searched the web several times but did not find an answer. Thanks in an advanced state. :)


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