Cassandra is inconsistent despite QUORUM consistency level with a replication factor of 3

I have a problem with the consistency of Cassandra. I have 3 Cassandra nodes (version in a cluster and I read and write with a QUORUM consistency level and my replicationfactor is 3 . If I understand this right in my case, Cassandra should be consistent because 2 + 2> 3, But I wrote a test in java where I insert some data very quickly into cassandra using the datastax driver:

final Instant t1 = Instant.parse("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");
final Instant t2 = Instant.parse("2000-02-01T00:00:00.000Z");

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    dataProvider.setValue(t1, new Double(1));
    //If the next line is removed, the test will pass
    dataProvider.setValue(t2, new Double(3));

    assertEquals("i=" + i, new Double(3), dataProvider.getValue(t2));
    assertEquals("i=" + i, new Double(1), dataProvider.getValue(t1));

    dataProvider.setValue(t1, new Double(2));
    assertEquals("i=" + i, new Double(2), dataProvider.getValue(t1));

    dataProvider.setValue(t1, new Double(101));
    assertEquals("i=" + i, new Double(101), dataProvider.getValue(t1));


with the corresponding table

CREATE TABLE keyspace.table(
  id text,
  year int,
  month int,
  time timestamp,
  value double,
  PRIMARY KEY ((id, year, month), time)


dataProvider.setValue () internaly puts the given value in the NavigableMap. dataProvider.saveToDB () inserts data into Cassandra. Here I tried, on the one hand, to insert data asynchronously and wait for all ResultSetFuture results to complete, and on the other hand, I executed the statements synchronously. But this only affected performance. In detail, the save method looks like

final List<ResultSetFuture> sets = newLinkedList();
Batch batch = QueryBuilder.batch();
int batchsize=0;
for (Map.Entry<Instant, Double> entry : valueMap) {
    final Instant instant = entry.getKey();
    final ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = instant.atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
    final Date date = Date.from(instant);
    final Insert insert = QueryBuilder.insertInto(table)
            .value(ID, id)
            .value(YEAR, zonedDateTime.getYear())
            .value(MONTH, zonedDateTime.getMonthValue())
            .value(TIME, date)
            .value(VALUE, entry.getValue());
    if(batchsize % 200 == 0){
        batch = QueryBuilder.batch();
if(batchsize % 200 != 0) { //es gibt noch nicht abgeschickte Statements


cassandraConnector manages the connection. I wait until all ResultSets have finished with

public boolean waitForFinish(List<ResultSetFuture> sets) {
    ResultSet result = null;
    for (final ResultSetFuture resultSetFuture : sets) {
        // Wait until finished
        try {
            result = resultSetFuture.get();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            if (result != null) {
                ExecutionInfo executionInfo = result.getExecutionInfo();
                System.out.println("Timout from server with IP: " + executionInfo.getTriedHosts());
            return false;
    return true;


The curiosity is that if I remove the line below the comment, the test will pass, no matter how often I run it. But if I run the test without deleting the line, sometimes it fails on the first loop, but sometimes it runs 3 loops until it succeeds. Plus, it always fails in different directions. for example

java.lang.AssertionError: i=0 
Expected :101
Actual   :2


I also got

java.lang.AssertionError: i=2
Expected :2
Actual   :101


So it seems that Cassandra wrote 1, and after that, instead of writing 2 Cassandra, restored 101, which I wrote before 1. Anyone explain this behavior? Why does the test pass if I delete the line? I write in different sections. I tried to change the consistency level to ALL, but the behavior did not change.


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1 answer

I solved it. Obviously, the clock is not 100% synchronous. When I create the insert statement, I added .using (timestamp (System.nanoTime () / 1000)); , and now the test passes.



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