Query a many-to-many table of tables in EDMX

I am currently facing a performance issue when I access the navigation property of an object.

I have three tables: UserCategory

, User

and UserCategoryUser

. Between tables User

and UserCategory

there are many, many . UserCategoryUser

table is a table of tables, and it has two columns, UserId and UserCategoryId, and the primary keys of the tables User

and UserCategory

. The sink table is UserCategoryUser

used to maintain a many-to-many relationship between tables User

and UserCategory


I am using the first database approach. Hence, in my EDMX for an object User

, I have one navigation property UserCategories

. Similarly, UserCategory

there is a navigation property for an object Users


I want to add a user to a custom category. So before adding I do a check if the user is added to the custom category or not. In my database I have about 100 thousand. User records and only one user category. All users associated with a single custom category.

I am accessing the nav property Users


var userCategory = Context.UserCategories.FirstOrDefault(uc => uc.UserCategoryId == userCategoryId);

if (userCategory != null)
    if (userCategory.Users.Any(u => u.Username == username))
        //Other operations


This code worked before, but now it hangs as we have a lot of user data. In particular, it hangs on the line userCategory.Users.Any(u => u.Username == username))

. I also tried to get users count

, but still it hangs!



I cannot execute a join query in LINQ to Entity because the joiner ( UserCategoryUser

) table is NOT being added as an entity in EDMX.

How to solve this problem? I can test this using raw SQL or a stored procedure, but I want to stay away from those for this case.


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1 answer

Your problem is that with lazy loading enabled, the call userCategory.Users

loads all users into memory. I think, given that there are very few categories, I would do it the other way around. that is, get the user, then check if the custom category collection contains the added category.

However, if you had a very large number of categories, you can explicitly filter the collection. Disable lazy loading on collections first (by removing the keyword for example virtual

), then try this:

              .Collection(uc => uc.Users)
              .Where(u => u.Username == username)//I'd put an index on username too

      //Other operations


Link: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj574232.aspx#explicitFilter



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