Separation 1.0 / 0.0: output infinite

double d=1.0/0.0;


output Infinity

double d=1/0;


conclusion ArithmeticException


What is the difference between the two? What does Infinity mean here?


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3 answers

The first case is treated as division by double, and later as division by int, and therefore an ArthimeticException.

That's what infinity means

The separation of doubles and floats follows the IEEE 754 standard for floating point matching, which should not throw an exception.



Mathematically, division by zero is undefined, although it can be considered unconscious. (With a little more stringency, this is a number greater than x for any value of x.)

IEEE754 double floating point (used by Java) has infinity representation. This is a 1.0 / 0.0 result. In this sense, 1.0 / 0.0 is computed as it is in floating point arithmetic.

The integral type has no infinity representation, so an exception is thrown. 1 / 0

calculated in integer arithmetic.



a floating point number has a way to encode "infinity". So infinity is a valid double variable. Integer variables do not have this option. So an exception is thrown instead.



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