Can't install devtools package after R upgrade

I just upgraded to R 3.2.1 and can no longer install the devtools package.

I am getting the following output:


trying URL ''
    Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 324861 bytes (317 KB)
    downloaded 317 KB

    The downloaded binary packages are in


Download library:



Error in loadNamespace (j <- i [[1L]], c (lib.loc, .libPaths ()), versionCheck = vI [[j]]): no package named 'curl Error: package or namespace error for 'devtools

I read the following post - Problems installing devtools packages - it looks like you have a solution for Linux (?) But I already have it curl

on my system and I can't see how it helps me.


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1 answer

The error message says:

no package called 'curl




Then try library('devtools')

If any other error persists, please update the message.



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