Match IDs preceded by "case" with SSIS script using C # regex

I am using SSIS script component to extract some information from a string.

I would like the id in the string in the template below: case: 123455

It is embedded in a string like below:

This is a string. We want case:12345 and case:5656759 in the title 2.


I would like to extract ID 12345 and 565675 from a string. The "case" entry is dynamic, it can be nothing, it can display 1 or more 1 per line. I need help with the regex syntax to retrieve information.

The following cases must be recorded:

case:12345, case :12345, case: 12345, case : 12345, Case:12345, CASE:12345



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2 answers

You can use look and feel and \d+




Watch the demo

This regex will match 1 or more digits that appear after the literal string case:

, where case

is the whole word.

If you want the version with a capture group, here it is:



The value you need will be stored in capture group 1.


To allow extra spaces in the pattern, use



Or a version without lookbehind:



Create a case-insensitive template

The (?i)

inline option / makes the template case insensitive, it will match case

and case

. If you only want to match case

and case

and case

, you need to use (?:[cC]ase|CASE)




string regex = @"\s(?i)case\s{0,1}:\s{0,1}(\d+)";  





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