Building an Intrinsically Safe Server Using SBT and Scala

Can anyone suggest me better documentation on intrinsically safe server. I went through the spark-jobserver url but was unable to accomplish the same. It would be nice if somebody can explain step by step instructions on how to use spark-jobserver.

Tools used when creating a project.

  • sbt launcher version 0.13.5
  • Scala code version 2.11.6

With the above tools, I am getting errors while building the search query server.


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2 answers

The documentation provided in the Job Server repository is really confusing.

Below are the steps I followed to manually create and run Spark Job Server on my local machine.

1. git clone
2. sudo mkdir -p /var/log/job-server
3. sudo chown user1:user1 /var/log/job-server
4. cd spark-jobserver
5. sbt job-server/assembly
6. cd config
7. cp  # Note that the same name 'abc' is used in steps 8 and 10 as well
8. cp ec2.conf.template abc.conf
9. cd .. # The jobserver root dir
10. ./bin/ abc # This script copies the files and packages necessary to run job server into a single dir [ default - /tmp/job-server]
11. cd /tmp/job-server [This is where the files and packages necessary to run job server are published by default]
12. ./
13. Run ./ to stop the server


Hope it helps



Here are the steps I used to install:

  • Clone the Job Server Repository.
  • Get sbt with wget

  • Move "sbt-launch.jar" to sbt / bin to / bin
  • Create script / bin / sbt, content found here , change pointer to java if needed
  • Make the above script executable
  • Now enter cd into the spark jobs directory and run sbt publish-local

  • Assuming it was done successfully, run sbt

    in the same directory
  • Finally, use the command re-start

    and if it succeeds in starting the server!


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