Why does Javascript return different display resolutions of the device?

I would like to ask about this:

I have this smartphone with 720 x 1280 pixels resolution:


But in a Cordova app the following piece of code:

 var width = $(window).width();
            var height = $(window).height();
            console.log("Screen size "+width+" " + height);


Return value 640 x 360 pixels

This creates a problem with optimizing the css styles for devices (tablets vs smartphones), because if I used the following css:

@media only screen
and (device-height: 720px)
and (device-width: 1280px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) {
    #desk {

    #menuRightSide {
        top: 37%;
        top: 41%;

    #spiderTwo {
        width: 5.5%;
    #movingSpiderOnTheNetWraper {
        height: 25%;
    #candle_1 {
        bottom: 11%;

    #candle_2 {
        bottom: 10%;

    #candle_4 {
        bottom: 11%;

    .candleFlame {
        bottom: 46%;


In this case, no css rules applied to the screen are mentioned.

The Meta viewport tag is used as follows:

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">


And the app only works in landscape mode.

I would like to ask why javascript returns different value and how to deal with this problem in Cordova + Ionic application?

Thanks a lot for any advice.


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2 answers

You may be looking for this:





Some screens need fixing due to the oddity in the -webkit-device-pixel-ratio, especially on Android. You can try https://github.com/biodiv/cordova-screengod

which tries to fix the software's screen resolutions to match the physical resolution. Use

    alert(app.deviceWidth + "x" + app.deviceHeight);


and check if it fixed your screen. You need an application object in window

, although for example

app = {};


unless you are using the apache cordovas starter template.



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