Start Spark via Mesos

I am trying to start Spark via Mesos cluster, I successfully start light dispatcher via mesos master and register spark structure. But when I try to start any work (spark-feed or spark sheath), initializing stop and doing nothing.

I0708 16:30:43.319941 21373 sched.cpp:157] Version: 0.22.1
I0708 16:30:43.331514 21375 sched.cpp:254] New master detected at master@host
I0708 16:30:43.333658 21375 sched.cpp:264] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication


After that, the client will freeze and that's it.


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1 answer

I solved the same problem with the suggestion suggested by @besil :

Step1: start the dispatcher using:

--master mesos://zk://<master_host>:2181/mesos


Step 2: send apps using

spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster <other options> --master mesos://<dispatcher_ip>:7077 --class <class_name> <jar>


Hope it helps



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