Boost.Python Multiple Return Arguments

I have a C ++ function that returns multiple values ​​from its arguments.

void Do_Something( double input1, double input2, double input3,
    double& output1, double& output2 )
    output1 = something;
    output2 = something;


I want to wrap this function using Boost.Python. I came up with a solution using lambdas, but it's kind of tedious since I have a lot of functions that have multiple return values ​​in their arguments.

    using boost::python;
    def( "Do_Something", +[]( double input1, double input2, double input3 )
        double output1;
        double output2;
        Do_Something( input1, input2, input3, output1, output2 );
        return make_tuple( output1, output2 );


Is there a better \ automatic way to do this with Boost.Python?


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1 answer

Improvement can be:

boost::python::tuple Do_Something(double input1, double input2,
                                  double input3) {
    // Do something
    return boost::python::make_tuple(output1, output2);

    def("Do_Something", Do_Something);




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