How can I change the linetype for ellipses in ggplot2 using stat_ellipse?
So I'm trying to change the line type on ellipses generated from stat_ellipse in ggplot2 (see here ). I can manually set the colors quite easily, but I would like to give it a linetype vector that will change the linetype of the ellipse. I tried to set linetypes in stat_ellipse () function and separately also with + scale_linetype_manual parameter, but only one value for line type works in stat_ellipse function and scale_linetype_manual does nothing. Any advice is appreciated!
Basic code and example image
ggplot(data.df,aes(x = PC1,y =PC2, color = mapping$Description))+
stat_ellipse(aes(x = PC1,y=PC2,fill=factor(mapping$Description)),
The $ ... mapping is just a factor. PC1 and PC2 are just vectors with main components and the .df data is just a data frame with all this stuff.
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The linetype can be changed by specifying the linetype as a factor in aes stat_ellipse and then scale_linetype_manual as mentioned in the comments by user aosmith.
ggplot(data.df,aes(x = PC1,y =PC2, color = mapping$Description))+
stat_ellipse(aes(x = PC1,y=PC2,lty=factor(mapping$Status),fill=factor(mapping$Description)),
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