How to disable drag and drop but still show tooltip on fullcalendar

I have my code:

eventMouseover: function(calEvent, jsEvent)
     xOffset = 0;
     yOffset = 0;
     tiptext = "";
     var view = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView');
     if ( == 'month')
        if (tiptext)
           tiptext = "<strong>" + calEvent.title + "</strong>" + "<br>" + tiptext;
           $("body").append("<p id='tooltip'>" + tiptext + "</p>");
              .css("z-index", 91000)
              .css("position", "absolute")
              .css("top", ($(this).offset().top + $(this).outerHeight() + yOffset) + "px")
              .css("left", ($(this).offset().left + xOffset) + "px")
  eventMouseout: function(calEvent, jsEvent)


and on my eventrender:

if(calEvent.title == "Holiday")
   element.draggable = false;


And I have a tooltip for describing a holiday event, the tooltip works great, however, if I set draggable to false, the tooltip is no longer displayed. Can I show my tooltip if the dragged set is false?


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1 answer

You manually disable drag and drop for your holiday event. Use a parameter instead editable

. Define it when you define your events like:

events: [{
    start: moment(),
    title: "Holiday",
    editable: true,


Or add it to your eventDataTransform


eventDataTransform: function(eventData){
    if(eventData.title === "Holiday")
        eventData.editable = false;
    return eventData;


This option should disable dragging (and resizing) without removing the tooltip functionality.

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