Save Slow Video with ffmpeg on Android Devices

I want to save video in slow motion through android app. I tried to convert the video to slow motion by changing the frame rate.

I used the following commands, the first command dumps 30fps from the video to the temp directory, and then the second command uses those images to create a video at a reduced or higher frame rate, and then I delete all images from the temp directory.

ffmpeg -i input_file.mp4 -r 30/1 img%03d.png

ffmpeg -framerate 15/1 -i img%03d.png -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out4.mp4


But this is a very slow operation. This happens forever, even for small videos.

I even tried to change the PTS (presentation time stamp) of the video, but it doesn't work as expected on Android phones using this command:

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -filter:v "setpts=2.0*PTS" output.mkv


as suggested here:

Can someone suggest me how I can do this quickly. Do I need to save the frames in a temporary directory, can I pipe the result of the ffmpeg process to another ffmpeg process running concurrently using some method.

Is there any other ffmpeg command to save video in slow motion?


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1 answer

You just need to use below command to create slow motion video using ffmpeg -

String[] complexCommand = {"-y", "-i", inputFileAbsolutePath, "-filter_complex", "[0:v]setpts=2.0*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=0.5[a]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", "[a]", "-b:v", "2097k", "-r", "60", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", outputFileAbsolutePath};


Check this post on my blog for a complete tutorial



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