R: save all data.frames in workspace to split .RData files
I have several data.frames
in the environment that I would like to keep in separate .RData files. Is there a feature that can save your entire workspace?
I usually do this with the following function:
save(x, file = "xy.RData")
but is there a way that i could keep all data.frames seperate at once?
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3 answers
Creation of a bunch of different files is not the same as save()
vectorized. It's probably better to use a loop here. First, get a vector of all your data.frame names.
dfs<-Filter(function(x) is.data.frame(get(x)) , ls())
Now write each file.
for(d in dfs) {
save(list=d, file=paste0(d, ".RData"))
Or if you just wanted them all in one file
save(list=dfs, file="alldfs.RData")
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