Using LaTeX Syntax in R View (`.Rpres`) Slide Title

I have a question about the LaTeX syntax in the title of a slide in R view. Using LaTeX, as with the R markdown file, works great for text in the actual slide body, but not for the title. Example:

    $PM_{2.5}$ Concentrations

    Graph of $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations


In this example, when the view file is run, the title will display exactly as it is, whereas the information in the slide body will display exactly as you expected it to be displayed as a LaTeX equation.

I've tried other common markdown functions in this title section of each slide with similar results (i.e. ~~strikethrough~~



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1 answer

Just found using alternate delimiters to \(...\)

work for this.

This will give you the desired output:

\(PM_{2.5}\) Concentrations

Graph of $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations




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