Problems converting / Date (####) / to MM / dd / yyyy local with MomentJS

Using an external API sending me dates like:



The above date:

August 30, 2015


Using impulses such as:



Gets this:



: (

I know I should be multiplying * 1000, but was hoping there was some momentjs method.

Thank you for your help.


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3 answers

It's pretty simple.

Your API gives a UNIX timestamp - by default moment(arg)

it assumes arg is passed in as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.

To convert it, you must first remove /Date(

and )\

. I would use RegEx, which strips out all unrecognized characters:

myString = myString.replace(/\D/g,'');


This will only leave numbers. You can now run



Moment.js Link to UNIX timestamps



The timestamp is in seconds, not seconds, and moment () only understands milliseconds. You can use moment.unix () function

moment.unix("1439596800").format("MM/DD/YYYY"); // returns 08/15/2015


However, you still need to extract 1439596800

from /Date(1439596800)/

, this can be done with a simple regex

// returns 08/15/2015




The problem is with extra characters. get rid of them first and multiply.

I am using regex to get only numbers from parentheses, avoiding slashes and parses.

var input = "/Date(1439596800)/"
var regex = /\/Date\((\d+)\)\//;
var match = input.match(regex);
  var stringUnixTs = match[1];
  var tsMs = Number(stringUnixTs) * 1000;
  var date = new Date(tsMs); // or pass ts directly into moment
} else { }




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