Clickonce app file referenced wrong path to deployment codebase

I am using MSBuild to deploy my WPF app for clickonce. After deploying my application clickonce file (Myapplication.application) has the following node

<deployment install="true" mapFileExtensions="true" minimumRequiredVersion="" co.v1:createDesktopShortcut="true">
        <beforeApplicationStartup />
    <deploymentProvider codebase="file://myapppath/myapplication.application" />


The base code value is taken from the csproj PublishUrl node. However, I provide this value when I publish the project using MSBuild via a command line script. Thus

<MSBuild Projects="LTL.SOL.WorkflowDesigner.csproj" Targets="Publish" Properties="PublishDir=$(PublishDir);PublishUrl=http://myapp/;InstallUrl=$(InstallUrl)"></MSBuild>


The path I supply is ignored and clickonce picks the publish url from the csproj file. Any ideas?


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1 answer

You can set 3 different URLs:

  • PublishUrl
  • UpdateUrl
  • InstallUrl

It looks like you are setting the publish and set url to different values, which is normal but unusual. I would suggest setting all 3 of them to the same value and you should find that this solves your deployProvider problem. Perhaps your 'InstallUrl' property is empty and causing unwanted behavior.



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