Rotate pandas dataframe to create a (marine) heatmap

I am new to Python and fairly new to SO.

I have a pandas dataframe named df that looks like this:

Date        Location                           
2015-07-08  San Diego, CA        1
2015-07-07  Bellevue, WA         1
            Los Angeles, CA      1
            New York, NY         1
            Los Angeles, CA      1
            Unknown              1


I want to collapse data using:

import pandas, numpy as np

df_pivoted = df.pivot_table(df, values=['Text'], index=['Date'],


The idea is to create a heatmap that shows the amount of "text" by "Location" and "Date".

I get an error:

TypeError: pivot_table() got multiple values for keyword argument 'values'


When using a simplified approach:

df = df.pivot_table('Date', 'Location', 'Text')


I get an error:

raise DataError('No numeric types to aggregate')


I am using Python 2.7 and pandas 0.16.2

In[2]: df.dtypes
Date        datetime64[ns]
Text                object
Location            object
dtype: object


Anyone have an idea?


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1 answer

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# just try to replicate your dataframe
# ==============================================
date = ['2015-07-08', '2015-07-07', '2015-07-07', '2015-07-07', '2015-07-07', '2015-07-07']
location = ['San Diego, CA', 'Bellevue, WA', 'Los Angeles, CA', 'New York, NY', 'Los Angeles, CA', 'Unknown']
text = [1] * 6
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': date, 'Location': location, 'Text': text})

         Date         Location  Text
0  2015-07-08    San Diego, CA     1
1  2015-07-07     Bellevue, WA     1
2  2015-07-07  Los Angeles, CA     1
3  2015-07-07     New York, NY     1
4  2015-07-07  Los Angeles, CA     1
5  2015-07-07          Unknown     1

# processing
# ==============================================
pd.pivot_table(df, index='Date', columns='Location', values='Text', aggfunc=np.sum)

Location    Bellevue, WA  Los Angeles, CA  New York, NY  San Diego, CA  Unknown
2015-07-07             1                2             1            NaN        1
2015-07-08           NaN              NaN           NaN              1      NaN




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