How can I integrate PayUMoney API for C2C application?
I need to integrate PayUMoney for my freelance job portal which is developed in PHP Codeigniter.
There are 3 types of users:
1) Employer (service provider)
2) Freelancer (Person performing work)
3) Broker (the portal accepts the commission for the transaction)
Currently, the employer transfers the fund to brokers, and then the broker's transfers to the freelancer. Do I need to transfer the amounts from the employer to the freelancer directly by transferring the commission to the broker? With this transaction, the broker can get a commission and he does not need to track the balances and transfer it to the freelancer.
To set up Payu Gateway using codeigniter app you need to follow these steps:
- Go to
- Register as a merchant and use any of your valid email addresses.
- Fill in the business details and bank account, you can use any random values as they are not going to verify it.
- Go to Seller Dashboard -> Settings -> My Account -> Profile Settings and check the Seller ID
- Now go to "Merchant Dashboard" → "Settings" → "My Account" → "Merchant Key Salt" and write your Merchant Id to the email address provided on this screen and ask for a Merchant Key Salt.
- You can also download payu money integration kit for php and change the code mentioned in this kit according to your site.
- You can simply replace your test keys with the real ones provided to your client on behalf of your bank details after verification.
Some of the issues that may arise when submitting the form will relate to the product info field, make sure the value field in the product info adds up to the total transaction amount. Postscript The product information is in JSON format.
NOTE. To break the sum, you can modify the productInfo (required) parameter, which includes a JSON data form that provides name and value key-value pairs. Also make sure that the sum of the value keys equals the total transaction amount.