Select first ten elements using nth-of-type in jQuery

I am trying to target the first ten images on my page that have the class .lazy

I am using unveil for lazy loaded images, it expects scrolling to load images, but you can trigger all images to load with this line:


I only want to call the first 10 images that always show at once, so I tried this:

$("#portfolio .portfolio-item img.lazy:nth-of-type(-n+10)").trigger("unveil");


In CSS the :nth-of-type(-n+10)

first ten matched elements are selected, but when I try to accomplish this in my console using this jQuery



.. it returns every img with a class .lazy

What am I doing wrong? is there a way to select the top ten instead of using jQuery .eq


to give you some idea of โ€‹โ€‹my markup:

<div class="portfolio">
     <div class="portfolio-item">
          <img class="lazy" src="item-1.jpg">
     <div class="portfolio-item">
          <img class="lazy" src="item-2.jpg">
     <div class="portfolio-item">
          <img class="lazy" src="item-3.jpg">
     <div class="portfolio-item">
          <img class="lazy" src="item-4.jpg">
     etc... (there 20 items in total)


- the problem is that each img is nested in a separate parent?


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2 answers

You can use lt

to select the first items n


Select all items at index

less than the index in the matched set.

$("#portfolio .portfolio-item img.lazy:lt(10)").trigger("unveil");





You can also use slice()

. Slice is more powerful in the sense that you can apply properties between a range of items

$("#portfolio .portfolio-item img.lazy").slice(0,10).trigger("unveil");


Here is a violin



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