How to access HTTP response body in Tomcat error page

I am using Tomcat 6 (but the same applies to Tomcat 7). Let's say my web.xml

contains this definition:



Suppose I am now returning HTTP 401 from another servlet / JSP:

httpResponse.sendError(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "This is a message");


How do I access the HTTP response text ("This message") in Handle401Error.jsp

? This is how Tomcat does it when it shows an error page like this

Tomcat error page

used with Valve

( ErrorReportValve

). Do I also need to write Valve


Edit: The accepted answer below is exactly what I was looking for and the supposed duplicate of this question does not mention the same solution.


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1 answer

Tomcat stores the message string in an inner class org.apache.coyote.Response


There is no standard way to access the message: from the javadoc HttpServletResponse # sendError (int, String):

If an error page declaration has been made for a web application matching the passed status code, it will be returned in preference to the suggested msg parameter and the msg parameter will be ignored .

Poor API design.

As a workaround, you can put the error message as an attribute in the request, just call response.sendError (401), and on the error page, extract the message from the request attributes:

In your code:

HttpServletRequest request = ...
HttpServletResponse response = ...
request.setAttribute("myerrormessage", "This is a message");


In your jsp error page:

Message <%=request.getAttribute("myerrormessage")%>    




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