R - rmarkdown - display a list of data

Is it possible to display the list of data frames in a markdown document as separate tables?


Given the code snippet

```{r listOfDf}


df <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10),b=rnorm(10),c=c(rep("a",5), rep("b",5)))
l_df <- split(df, df$c)






But I would like something closer to the job in the R console:

> l_df
           a          b c
1  1.2869909 -0.3117932 a
2  1.4621792  1.2826924 a
3 -0.4274641  0.3335532 a
4  0.7882973 -1.1966702 a
5 -1.2086910  0.1549691 a

            a         b c
6  -0.9460508 1.4679430 b
7   0.6580554 0.5806850 b
8  -0.7103335 2.6036176 b
9  -2.0110167 2.0488055 b
10  0.7691045 0.3652907 b


But this also shows up as table (s) (hence the use kable()


I've tried loop *

for(i in 1:length(l_df)){


but that doesn't work either (* but it works for graphs)


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1 answer

The package pander

was created to convert almost any R objects to markdown . For example:.

> pander(l_df)

  * **a**:

        a          b       c
    ---------- ---------- ---
    0.5853656  1.3888279   a

    -0.6172632 -0.5179708  a

    -0.3321862 -0.2400778  a

    -0.6503349 0.9474224   a

    0.9476588  0.2288404   a

  * **b**:

     &nbsp;       a            b       c
    -------- ------------ ----------- ---
     **6**   -0.637650387 0.26547037   b

     **7**   0.233576764  -0.47811415  b

     **8**   -0.283486652 0.61113065   b

     **9**   -0.794994493 -0.08609191  b

     **10**  -0.004526202 0.36841059   b

<!-- end of list -->




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