Change data attribute to select2

I am working on an old legacy system using select2 3.5.2.

It uses the old hidden field method and currently passes data like this:

<input class="select2" data-url="/mapscrSearch/filterdata" data-parent="3" data-model="VMapscreenCategories" data-tags="1" data-searchterm="name" data-showitem="name" data-hiddenfield=".opcode_filters" data-allowuserinput="" data-enabled="1" type="text" value="" name="opcode_id" id="opcode_id" tabindex="-1" style="display: none;">


I currently have a little jquery function that changes the parent data item on the fly and retrieves the correct data based on the parent id; This works if I set the parent file manually, but when the data parent changes via jquery, it doesn't update the select2 component.

For example, I currently have:

   var opCodeFamily = $('#category_parent');
   var opCodeParentId = $('#opcode_parent_id');
   var opCodeDataUrl = $('#opcode_id');

   // Set default
  $(opCodeDataUrl).attr('data-parent', opCodeParentId.val());

  // Change the value from parent select
  $(opCodeDataUrl).attr('data-parent', opCodeParentId.val()).trigger("change");
       console.log('data-parent set to: ' + opCodeParentId.val() + ', select2 passing: ' +'parent')); 



I can see it changing the parent of the data in the console and inspector, but select2 is still passing in the original value. I looked at the trigger but that doesn't seem to do anything. Is there something I am missing?


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