How does the website know the Google query that I used to find it?
When I search for something like " rearrange table columns in
" on Google and click on the Wrox forum forum link , the site greets me with a message like "Your Google search for" reordering table columns in "brought you to the Wrox forum .. . ".
How does the site know which query I entered into Google? And how can I add such an absorption to my site?
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4 answers
It uses a header known as the "HTTP Referrer". See
To use it on your site, you will need dynamic page creation such as ASP / ASP.NET, PHP or Perl. For example, in Perl, you can do something like:
if ($ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ /\?.+&q=(.+?)&/)
print "Your google search of $1 brought you to this site";
WARNING : the above code is just an example and may be wrong or safe!
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