Best practice for documenting std :: function parameters

When declaring a type with std::function

, I believe I missed the opportunity to assign parameter names to template arguments. For example, I find this simple function pointer type declaration:

typedef void (*ArcCallback)(
  void *object, 
  double x_start, double y_start, 
  double x_finish, double y_finish, 
  double x_center, double y_center, 
  bool counterclockwise);


to be more readable than this type declaration std::function


typedef std::function<void(
  void *,
  double, double,
  double, double,
  double, double,
  bool)> ArcCallback;


Despite the flexibility associated with usage std::function

(like being able to assign a lambda or the result of a call std::bind

), I am missing the parameter names. Of course, I can add comments to the ad std::function

, but the result is awkward. More importantly, I don't think IDEs will use these comments to provide parameter hints.

How do other seasoned C ++ professionals document the assignment of template parameters to std::function

? Is there a precedent set by widely used libraries that heavily use such types?


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2 answers

For this particular code, the problem is not so much that std::function

there is no good way to document the parameters, the problem is that 8 parameters are probably too many for any function. The introduction of additional types can greatly aid cleaning.

typedef void* CallbackObject;

struct Point {
  double x;
  double y;

enum CircularDirection {

struct ArcCallbackParam {
  CallbackObject object;
  Point start;
  Point finish;
  Point center;
  CircularDirection direction;

typedef std::function<void(const ArcCallbackParam&)> ArcCallback;


Edit . I understand that this does not directly answer your question. To answer your question, I don't know of any "solutions" without commenting out the arguments, but adding types and typedefs can help a lot.



The parameter names in the original ArcCallback

typedef are for self-documentation purposes only. Since you are in the habit of using "redundant" parameter names for self-documentation purposes, why don't you do the same in the case std::function


typedef std::function<void (
  void *object, 
  double x_start, double y_start, 
  double x_finish, double y_finish, 
  double x_center, double y_center, 
  bool counterclockwise)> ArcCallback;


The language does not prohibit doing this.



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