Flipping CardView in RecyclerView

I am trying to implement a CardView flash card in RecyclerView. I just can't figure out a simple solution. I have a working CardView where I can display a list of cards using a recycler view. The problem is how to show the back of the map if the user has clicked the map. I want to animate and change the front of the card to the back of the card. Can someone give a simple animation and example of a map layout. My current example is pretty much a copy of this example where a new activity is created. Where do I need a map to flip 180 degrees and show a description. Is this a way to achieve this?

+------------------+ +------------------+
|+----------------+| |+----------------+|
||  front         || ||  back          ||
|+----------------+| |+----------------+|
|+----------------+| |+----------------+|
||  front         || ||  front         ||
|+----------------+| |+----------------+|



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2 answers

You can use ViewFlipper . This is a standard Android widget.



I know this is an old question, but this answer may help someone in the future.

You can use this library


Put this in your gradle,

compile 'com.github.sachinvarma: EasyFlipView: 2.0.4'

xml will look like

    app:flipType="vertical" //horizontal or vertical

    <!-- Back Layout Goes Here -->
    <include layout="@layout/flash_card_layout_back"/>

    <!-- Front Layout Goes Here -->
    <include layout="@layout/flash_card_layout_front"/>



You can see the demo gif here .

Thanks to Wajahat karim.



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