Plotting a function in R: how to draw many curves using parameter values ​​in a data table?

I'm new to using R. I have a function with 4 parameters (c, w, pl, pr).

curve(1-(pl+(0.5*(pr-pl))*(1+tanh(2*(x-c)/w))),xlim=c(-27,50),ylim=c(0,1),lwd=3,col=2, add=T)


I am not trying to build this function manually by specifying values ​​for each parameter.

c = 4
w = 6
pl = 0
pr = 1


Ultimately I want to plot thousands of curves, so I want to tell R that the parameter estimates are in a table. Each row represents data for one curve

pl pr  w c
1  1  0  3 0
2  1  0  4 0
3  1  0  5 0
4  1  0  6 0
5  1  0  7 0
6  1  0  8 0
7  1  0  9 0
8  1  0 10 0


How do I tell R that I want to plot all these curves on the same graph at once? Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

Here is one way to create a generic function that can be used with formula and data.frame variables (column names must match the arguments used in formla) using quote


## Your formula, changed add=add and col=col to allow to vary
form <- quote(

plotFun <- function(params, form, colors) {
    eval(form, as.list(c(params[1,], col=colors[1], add=F)))  # plot the first
    for (i in 2:nrow(params))                                 # plot the rest, adding to the first
        eval(form, as.list(c(params[i,], col=colors[i], add=T)))

colors <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow"))(nrow(hzdata))
plotFun(hzdata, form, colors=colors)


enter image description here



I would just iterate over your lines. You can do it

hzf <- function(x, pl,pr,w,c) 1-(pl+(0.5*(pr-pl))*(1+tanh(2*(x-c)/w)))

for(i in 1:nrow(hzdata)) {
       curve(hzf(x,pl,pr,w,c), xlim=c(-27,50), ylim=c(0,1), 
       lwd=3,col=i, add=i!=1)


which gives

enter image description here



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