How to build a hierarchical hash in Perl from a directory tree

I am trying to build a structure like this.

  "file1": "supersong.mp3",
  "file2": "supersong2.mp3",
  "file3": "text.txt",
  "file4": "tex2t.txt",
  "file5": "text3.txt",
  "file6": "",
  "directory_movies": [ 
      "file1": "supersong.mp3",
      "file2": "supersong2.mp3",
      "file3": "text.txt",
      "file4": "tex2t.txt",
      "file5": "text3.txt",
      "file6": "",
      "directory_sub_movies": [ 
           "file1": "supersong.mp3",
           "file2": "supersong2.mp3",
           "file3": "text.txt",
           "file4": "tex2t.txt",
           "file5": "text3.txt",
           "file6": "",



Since any directory hierarchy in my case is in unix. So we have simple files or directories, if it's a directory, it's a nested hash, etc. Recursively. I need to represent it as a hash in perl, the easiest way I have found is to use a module File::Find

It works correctly, but I can't figure out how to keep the hierarchy in the hash nested as above.
Here is my test script. This correctly determines the type of the current element.

sub path_checker {
    if (-d $File::Find::name) {
        print "Directory " . $_ . "\n";   
    elsif (-f $File::Find::name) {
        print "File " . $_ . " Category is " . basename($File::Find::dir) . "\n";  

sub parse_tree {
    my ($class,$root_path) = @_;
    File::Find::find(\&path_checker, $root_path);


Please help modify it to create the structure as I described above. I will be very grateful.


source to share

1 answer

Subfolders must also be hashes, not arrays,

use strict;
use warnings;

# use Data::Dumper;
use File::Find;
use JSON;

sub parse_tree {
    my ($root_path) = @_;

    my %root;
    my %dl;
    my %count;

    my $path_checker = sub {
      my $name = $File::Find::name;
      if (-d $name) {
        my $r = \%root;
        my $tmp = $name;
        $tmp =~ s|^\Q$root_path\E/?||;
        $r = $r->{$_} ||= {} for split m|/|, $tmp; #/
        $dl{$name} ||= $r;
      elsif (-f $name) {
        my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
        my $key = "file". ++$count{ $dir };
        $dl{$dir}{$key} = $_;
    find($path_checker, $root_path);

    return \%root;

print encode_json(parse_tree("/tmp"));




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