Style sheet references

I am new to Sinatra and am trying to reference a stylesheet from an ERB file. I've tried the methods used in Loading Styles in Sinatra "but the stylesheet still won't load.

My HTML is in views / index.rb and my stylesheet is in views /styles/main.css. The controller logic is in app.rb.

The HTML itself is displayed when I upload it to my local server.

Folder structure:

|-- app.rb
|-- Gemfile
|-- Gemfile.lock
|-- lib
|-- spec
|   |-- spec_helper.rb
|-- views
|   |-- index.erb
|   |-- styles
|   |   |-- main.css



get '/' do
  erb :index


index.erb doesn't work:

<link href="<%= url('views/styles/main.css') %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="<%= url('/main.css') %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


My repo:

Can someone help me figure out how to reference the stylesheet?


source to share

1 answer

Static assets like style sheets should be in a directorypublic

, not views

one that is for templates that produce different output for each query.

You should create a directory with a name public

next to views

and copy the directory into it styles

. Then the URL of the stylesheet would be /styles/main.css


 <link href="<%= url('/styles/main.css') %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


You may also need to enable a static service resource (the docs show it is disabled by default in modular applications, but it really depends on whether the dir exists public

- it cannot be explicit). Add this to your application class to include this:

enable :static




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