Spock unit test, groovy left shift assignment throws SpockExecutionException: data provider has no data

I am writing a spock unit test and I am getting the following error when trying to dynamically provide a data provider with groovy collect

SpockExecutionException: Data provider has no data


Here is the simplest case I can provide that throws the error:

import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification

class SampleTest extends Specification {

    def someArray

    void setup() {
        someArray = ['a','b','c']

    def "ensure that 'Data provider has no data' is not thrown"() {

        columnA == columnB

        [columnA, columnB] << someArray.collect { value -> [value, value] }


The groovy code seems to be working. Here's my test in groovy console:

def someArray = ['a','b','c']
def test = someArray.collect { value -> [value, value] }
println test

[[a, a], [b, b], [c, c]]


What? I do not understand?

I use:

  • groovy version 2.2.1
  • spock version 0.7- groovy -2.0
  • junit version 4.12

source to share

1 answer

Use setupSpec()

instead setup()

to access the variable the @Shared

way you want, as stated in the @Shared

. Alternatively, you can also initialize a shared variable at the time of declaration.

import spock.lang.*

class SampleTest extends Specification {

    @Shared someArray

    // This is similar to just using
    // @Shared someArray = ['a','b','c']
    // Use above instead of setupSpec() if required
    // setupSpec() is invoked before any test case is invoked
    void setupSpec() {
        someArray = ['a','b','c']

    def "ensure that 'Data provider has no data' is not thrown"() {
        columnA == columnB

        [columnA, columnB] << someArray.collect { [it, it] }




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