For PubNub iOS SDK 4.0, what is the maximum number of channels a client can subscribe to without including a stream controller?

For PubNub iOS SDK 4.0, what is the maximum number of channels a client can subscribe to without enabling the Stream Controller? I don't seem to find a definite answer. Documentation and knowledge base were presented on PubNub, numbers 10, 20, 50 and 100. It is not clear if these Stream Controllers need to be enabled.

I understand that with channel groups under the Stream Controller add-on the maximum value is 20,000 (2000 * 10 = 20,000).


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1 answer

PubNub iOS SDK 4.0 Multiplex vs Channel Group vs Wildcard

For PubNub iOS SDK 4.0 in terms of multiplexing, the SDK supports almost 50 channels practically . You can increase this number, but the performance of the device will be affected. Better to use the Channel Group feature of the main product PubNub Stream Controller . The flow controller includes the following channel subscription enhancements.


Maximum Addressable Channels: (Unlimited)

PubNub also supports Wildcard Subscriptions using hierarchical dot notation . Today at PubNub, you can subscribe to a channel and receive messages on any channel below . You can post it to the channel and get a message in your signature. Note that the maximum depth supported by the hierarchy is currently three . For example, good, but not supported. "a.b.*"





Channel groups

Maximum Addressable Channels: (2000 ✕ 10 = 20,000)

Dynamically control device data flow using PubNub channel groups. You can remotely manage the streams to which the device is subscribed and dynamically add and remove channels from the channel list. You can multiplex a subscription to 10 channel groups, and each channel group can contain up to 2000 channels.


Maximum Addressable Channels: (~ 100)

You can multiplex your connection by subscribing to a combination of Wildcard Channels , Channel Groups , Presence Event Stream Channels, and more. It is recommended to keep multiplexed channels below 50 for best device performance.



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