Get a substring in a string with multiple occurring strings

I have a line like



Now I want to get the substring between (D@01)5(D@02)

If I have something like



I can get the details with

    quantity         = content.substring(content.indexOf("(D@01)") + 6, content.indexOf("(D@02)"));


But somethings D@02

may be different like @05

. Now how can I use a simple (D@

one to get the line in between. there are several repetitions(D@

This is basically what I want to do

content.substring(content.indexOf("(D@01)") + 6, content.nextOccurringIndexOf("(D@"));



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5 answers

I suppose you can do

int fromIndex = content.indexOf("(D@01)") + 6;
int toIndex = content.indexOf("(D@", fromIndex);    // next occurring

if (fromIndex != -1 && toIndex != -1)
    str = content.substring(fromIndex, toIndex);





See for a demo.



Assuming the token and value are related in some way and you want to know each ( (D@01)

== 5

), you can use the API Pattern

/ Matcher

, for example

String text = "(D@01)5(D@02)14100319530033M(D@03)1336009-A-A(D@04)141002A171(D@05)1(D@06)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\(D@[0-9]+\\)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(text);

while (m.find()) {
    String name =;
    if (m.end() < text.length()) {
        String content = text.substring(m.end()) + 1;
        content = content.substring(0, content.indexOf("("));
        System.out.println(name + " = " + content);


What are the outputs

(D@01) = 5
(D@02) = 14100319530033M
(D@03) = 1336009-A-A
(D@04) = 141002A171
(D@05) = 1


Now, this is a bit cumbersome, I would create some sort of "marker" object that contains the key (D@01)

and its start and end indices. I would store this information in List

and truncate each value based on the end of the previous key and the start of the last key ... but that's just me;)



You can use regex capture groups if you want the content between (D@##)

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\(D@\\d+\\))(.*?)(?=\\(D@\\d+\\))");
Matcher matcher = p.matcher("(D@01)5(D@02)14100319530033M(D@03)1336009-A-A(D@04)141002A171(D@05)1(D@06)");
while(matcher.find()) {
  System.out.println(String.format("%s start: %2s end: %2s matched: %s ",, matcher.start(2), matcher.end(2),;


(D@01) start:  6 end:  7 matched: 5 
(D@02) start: 13 end: 28 matched: 14100319530033M 
(D@03) start: 34 end: 45 matched: 1336009-A-A 
(D@04) start: 51 end: 61 matched: 141002A171 
(D@05) start: 67 end: 68 matched: 1 




Custom regex can be split on input - as suggested by @MadProgrammer. split()

the method creates a table String

s, so the order of occurrences of the sought values ​​will be exactly the same as the order of the values ​​in the table created split()

. For example:

String input = "(D@01)5(D@02)14100319530033M(D@03)1336009-A-A(D@04)141002A171(D@05)1(D@06)";

String[] table = input.split("\(D@[0-9]+\)");




Try the following:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String input = "(D@01)5(D@02)14100319530033M(D@03)1336009-A-A(D@04)141002A171(D@05)1(D@06)";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\(D@\\d+\\)(.*?)(?=\\(D@\\d+\\))");
    Matcher matches = p.matcher(input);
    while(matches.find()) {
        int number = getNum(; // parses the number
        System.out.printf("%d. %s\n", number,; // print the string

public static int getNum(String str) {
    int start = str.indexOf('@') + 1;
    int end = str.indexOf(')', start);
    return Integer.parseInt(str.substring(start,end));



1. 5
2. 14100319530033M
3. 1336009-A-A
4. 141002A171
5. 1




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