Uniform equality of objects only in object properties in Chai

I have an object that would like to do a deep comparison with another object in chaijs . The problem is that one object has a large number of enumerable properties, and the other object is a plain, simple object ( {}


For example, I have expect(obj1).to.eql(obj2);

, where obj1

is an object with many additional enumerable properties added to the library and obj2

was just created via var obj2 = { someValue: true }


This problem can be solved by abuse JSON.stringify

and JSON.parse

as follows



but that's a pretty lame hack. I cannot imagine that I am the first to run into this predicament, but my search has been empty. What's the recommended approach here?


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2 answers

I would suggest making a projection of the object you want to test that only contains "own" (not from prototype properties) properties and compares that for equality.

var projection = {};

for (var key in obj1) {
    if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        projection[key] = obj1[key];



You can extract this projection code into a test utility function.



You can try to use chai-shallow-deep-equal . It does not perform a full equality check, but it verifies that the second object contains the set of properties of the first object.

Here's a usage example:

var chai = require('chai');

var obj1 = {name: 'Michel', language: 'javascript'};
var obj2 = {name: 'Michel'};
var obj2 = {name: 'Michel', age: 43};

expect(obj1).to.shallowDeepEqual(obj2); // true
expect(obj1).to.shallowDeepEqual(obj3); // false, age is undefined in obj1

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