Deleting and Disposing of QGraphicsItem Objects

I got from class QGraphicsItem

and draw some custom shapes. These numerous forms are then added to QGraphicsScene


class StairCurve : public QObject, public CurveShape, public QGraphicsItem

class BezierCurve: public QObject, public CurveShape, public QGraphicsItem



is a class that has some common properties associated with these curves, such as ID, etc. It doesn't come from anything else. It has some functions pure virtual


To remove all beziers from the scene, I do something like this:

        QList<QGraphicsItem*> all = selectedItems();
        for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); i++)
            QGraphicsItem * item = all[i];

            if( NULL != item && (BezierCurve::Type == item->type()) )
                delete item;
                item  = NULL;


QGraphicsItem * item = all[i];

will return a pointer to the base class portion of my object. So calling delete on it looks good to me. This object will no longer be part of the scene.

I'm worried that the call delete

to item

n will call the destructor in the base class, right? I don't think it will remove the entire object from memory. Would do something like this:

delete dynamic_cast<BezierCurve*>(item);


More formally

Class A : public B, public C
Class B : public D

A *a;


To delete an object a

, the correct way is to use the operator delete

on a

, and not on any base class object in the hierarchy, right?

And does this use it virtual destructors

all anyway?


source to share

1 answer


has a virtual destructor . Thus, if you call delete item;

where item

is a type pointer QGraphicsItem

, the destructors of all derived classes will be called first. To test this, just execute the class destructor StairCurve

and see if it gets called.



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