Error while checking with Appium

I was trying to test an iOS app using Appium. This is the first time I use the app. I got the following text in the dialog. Please help me, thanks in advance.

Could not start a new session

Be sure the Appium server is running with an application opened by using the "App Path" parameter in (along with package and activity for Android) or by connecting with selenium client and supplying this in the desired capabilities object.


This is the error I am getting in the console

error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Could not find a device to launch. You requested 'iPad Retina (8.2 Simulator)', but the available devices were: ["iPad 2 (8.4 Simulator) [69E9798C-BF67-441F-BE0F-BB422C329381]","iPad Air (8.4 Simulator) [10794BA7-C352-4E63-B884-F740E572A626]","iPad Retina (8.4 Simulator) [3C4AE8CC-4EF3-43F0-A2DA-218E1A2021A2]","iPhone 4s (8.4 Simulator) [D54D1665-01A2-4A4E-BA4F-F6F3C74C0B89]","iPhone 5 (8.4 Simulator) [330EDD0C-2B9B-44AE-9F46-3CFE88FB7D6A]","iPhone 5s (8.4 Simulator) [64BDE543-7DFA-448C-A5EE-05A0292A640B]","iPhone 6 (8.4 Simulator) [6A928AA3-2624-429E-AC15-CA2F61483504]","iPhone 6 Plus (8.4 Simulator) [C1F83F38-7846-4C98-97C1-4B663C5D7A8E]"]



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2 answers

So it looks like the requested device is not supported. The only ones it can support according to the bug are iOS 8.4



This can be solved by making the platform version of the device in the Appium and simulator version the same. I used the 8.4 simulator while Appium was accepting 8.3.



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