Getting title in treeviewItems

I created a tree structure and now I want to get the title name as a string for use in the ViewModel. The command works, but I cannot get the header name to pass as a parameter in the method.

How do I get the title name every time I select a new new treeViewItem?


 <TreeView Name="EquipmentTreeView">
            <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectedItemChanged">
                     Command="{Binding SelectItemCommand}"
                     CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=EquipmentTreeView}"/>
        <TreeViewItem Header="Camera">
            <TreeViewItem Header="Digital Camera">                  
            </TreeViewItem >
            <TreeViewItem Header="Film Camera">
                <TreeViewItem Header="35mm Film Sound Camera"></TreeViewItem>
                <TreeViewItem Header="35mm Film MOS Camera"></TreeViewItem>
                <TreeViewItem Header="Film Magazines"></TreeViewItem>


ViewModel (parameter not working)

 public class EquipmentManagerViewModel : NotifyUIBase

    public EquipmentManagerViewModel()
        SelectItemCommand = new RelayCommand(() => GetItemHeader(SelectedItem));  

    public RelayCommand SelectItemCommand { get; private set; }
    private void GetItemHeader(string selectedHeader)



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1 answer

I don't know the implementation of your RelayCommand, but you must pass the Parameter RelayCommand as a parameter to your GetItemHeader method. You are passing in a SelectedItem which is undefined. Without any changes to you xaml, do the following:

public EquipmentManagerViewModel()
    SelectItemCommand = new RelayCommand(tvi => GetItemHeader(((TreeViewItem)tvi).Header.ToString()));


But then I would rename the method because it doesn't do what I expected. It doesn't give you an ItemHeader! You extract the title and pass it to a method, the method displays a MessageBox with text as a parameter.


@Almulo's comment leads me to the following changes:

In Xaml as @Mike suggests:

    Command="{Binding SelectItemCommand}"
    CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem.Header, ElementName=EquipmentTreeView}"/>


and in the ViewModel:

public EquipmentManagerViewModel()
    SelectItemCommand = new RelayCommand<String>(obj => GetItemHeader(obj.ToString()));
public RelayCommand<String> SelectItemCommand { get; private set; }
private void GetItemHeader(string selectedHeader)


based on what your RelayCommand can handle CommandParameter.



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