Using setImmediate function for API

This is a common question about using setImmediate (or other similar solutions) for API purposes. I am writing a node.js library that does server negotiation behind the scenes. The client code of this library looks like this:

var request = myLib
    .setRequestProperty('someProperty', someValue)
    .setAnotherRequestProperty('anotherProperty', anotherValue)
    .performRequest(function callback() {
         var someValue = request.someValue;
         var requestResult = request.result;
         // Some logic based on requestResult and someValue


The problem starts when my library doesn't need to do or wait for any negotiations with the server, so it can immediately call the callback passed to performRequest

. The internal library code might look like this:

Request.prototype.performRequest = function performRequest(callback) {
    if (this._canPerformImmediately()) {
        return this;

    return this;


What happens is that the request is still undefined (since the callback is called before the outer statement contains the request's destination is complete).

I wonder how to correctly define the API in such cases. I see some possibilities:

  • Determine that the callback can be called synchronously (as described above), and therefore the client code cannot use the variable request

    as in the client code example above. However, I have seen code that looks like above, so I think this is not a solution.
  • Determine that the callback can be called synchronously and that the request is passed to the callback as well, so the client code could be (note the use request_

    instead of request


    .performRequest(function callback(request_) {
        var someValue = request_.someValue;
        var someResult = request_.result;
        // Some logic based on requestResult and someValue

    ( EDIT : The request can also be passed as an argument this


    But then again, since I saw some code that seems like the first example, I guess this is not a solution either.

  • Ensure the callback is called ASYNCHRONOUSLY. Then we can use the setImmediate functions . The internal implementation would then look like (Note the call setImmediate


    Request.prototype.performRequest = function performRequest(callback) {
        if (this._canPerformImmediately()) {
            return this;
        return this;

  • Any other suggestions?

It seems that the setImmediate alternative is the most appealing, but I haven't been able to find a discussion about using it just to look at the API. I've seen discussions about performance like here and here , but no API considerations.

So my question is, what is the correct way to implement such a library?


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