Roslyn gets details in {SomeSyntax} .Type


I have a generic class:

public class NestedDict<T>: Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, T> { } 


As shown in the picture, I can parse and access it BaseList

and find out that it TypeArgumentList

is there in the debugger. However, I cannot just call baseType.Type.TypeArgumentList

to access it, because it is not a public member that I can access.

Generally, what is the correct way to access the TypeArgumentList

pod Type

in my case? or any data type in general?


source to share

1 answer

While you may know that baseType

this is a generic type (So a GenericNameSyntax

), this is not the only possible case, which is why objects in BaseList

are of a parent type ( TypeSyntax


You only need to click to access TypeArgumentList


var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("public class NestedDict<T>: Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, T> { } ");
var cu = (CompilationUnitSyntax)tree.GetRoot();
var c = (ClassDeclarationSyntax)cu.ChildNodes().Single();

var baseDeclaration = (BaseTypeSyntax)c.BaseList.ChildNodes().Single();
var baseNameSyntax = (GenericNameSyntax)baseDeclaration.Type;




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