Create PDFs on the fly and email with webmatrix
I have a web application that is currently generating certificates using a template. Since I originally wrote this in php, I used the built-in str_replace function to replace the values ββin my template with the values ββfrom the request.
I have now navigated to webpages and my goal is to generate pdf certificates and post them.
I am using iTextSharp and webmatrix.
Below is a portion of my code:
var sql = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = 'ALFKI'";
var data = db.Query(sql);
foreach(var item in data){ var companyname = item.CompanyName;}
PdfPCell certify1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("companyname"));
certify1.Colspan = 2;
certify1.Border = 0;
certify1.PaddingTop = 40f;
certify1.HorizontalAlignment = 1;//0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right
From this code, I am trying to show data from a database table. The above code doesn't work. I am trying to grab the values ββof the request and then in the certify1 cell. How can i do this?
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1 answer
Try the following:
var sql = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = 'ALFKI'";
var data = db.Query(sql);
foreach(var item in data){
var companyname = item.CompanyName;
PdfPCell certify1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(companyname));
certify1.Colspan = 2;
certify1.Border = 0;
certify1.PaddingTop = 40f;
certify1.HorizontalAlignment = 1;//0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right
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