ReCaptcha: how to auto-update a form when submitting a captcha
I want to use ReCaptcha to load some additional data on the page. I want the form to be submitted automatically when the ReCaptcha is entered. So I don't need an additional submit button. The problem is recaptcha is loading its content inside the iframe, so its a bit tricky.
At the moment I have this form:
<form action="javascript:getInfo(grecaptcha.getResponse(widget1));" >
<div id="captcha"></div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
How do I get something like Event-Listener in recaptcha submit that submits an external form?
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2 answers
This sounds like an interesting technique. This will cut down on keystrokes and keystrokes for the user. This is how you could do it, after listening to a successful response with a caption, you will be able to follow the desired action. Here's an example and some documentation.
var RC2KEY = 'sitekey';
function reCaptchaVerify(response) {
if (response === document.querySelector('.g-recaptcha-response').value) {
function reCaptchaExpired() {
/* do something when it expires */
function reCaptchaCallback() {
grecaptcha.render('id', {
'sitekey': RC2KEY,
'callback': reCaptchaVerify,
'expired-callback': reCaptchaExpired
<script src=''></script>
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