Setting dynamic properties using a key from a private collection in TypeScript

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interface TestObj {
class Test {
  private myCollection:TestObj[] = [];
  private anyCollection:any[] = [];
  constructor() {
    var obj:any = {};
    var refObj = {name:'prop'};
    obj[] = "This works!";

    var collection:any[] = [];
    this.test[collection[0].name] = "This works!";

    obj[this.anyCollection[0].name] = "This works!?";

    obj[this.myCollection[0].name] = "What the deuce!?! this.myCollection[0].name is supposed to be a string! Am I not?";

    var newRefObj:TestObj = { name: 'prop' };
    obj[this.myCollection[1].name] = "This doesn't work either.";


I get this in the last part of the instruction.

An index expression argument must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol, or 'any'.
(property) Test.myCollection: TestObj[]


I guess I may have difficulty understanding the "private" properties. I've done crazy research, but I'm seriously having a hard time understanding how the geek speaks. I can't seem to find anyone else who has this problem, so I'm guessing it's something like a noob.

Ideally, I would rather show an error if I tried to use myCollection outside of the Test class.


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1 answer

Primitive string type string

, not string

. Change the interface accordingly:

interface TestObj {
  name: string;



for a String object, and string

for a primitive type. For example:

var obj: any = {};
var strObj = new String("test"); // typed as String
var str = "test";                // typed as string

obj[strObj] = "test";            // error you were seeing
obj[str] = "test";               // ok




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