2-8 K & RC Exercise: What's Wrong?

I do this exercise

write a function rightrot (x, n) that returns the value of an integer x rotated to the right n positions in bits.

but when i try to run it i dont get what i expect.

int most_signficant_bit(unsigned x){
        int bitpos;
        for(bitpos = -1; x!=0;++bitpos){
        return bitpos;
unsigned rightrot(unsigned x, unsigned n){
        int bitpos;
        bitpos  = most_signficant_bit(x);

       x = ((x>>n)|(((~(~0<<n))&x)<<(bitpos-n)));
        return x;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
        unsigned int c1;
        c1 = 0xff1;

        printf("bitfield  %x "
        " after rightrot %x \n",c1, rightrot(c1, 4) );
        return 0;


I know I (x>>n)

move bitfield "n" to the right 0000 1111 1111

in order to copy "n" less significant bits from that space.

copy the n least significant bits ( 1111 1111 0001

and 0000 0000 1111

= 0000 0000 0001

) and then move those bits to the desired location

and after or copy those bits to x

But instead I got 0xff

instead 0x1ff

or instead of binary 0000 1111 1111

0001 1111 1111


what's wrong?


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2 answers

 x = ((x>>n)|(((~(~0<<n))&x)<<(bitpos-n)));


Don't you think it should be

 x = ((x>>n)|(((~(~0<<n))&x)<<(bitpos-n+1)));




I think this expression

x = ((x>>n)|(((~(~0<<n))&x)<<(bitpos-n+1)));


too complicated and unreadable. :)

Also, a function implementation using this expression is invalid, since n may be gretaer than the number of bits in an unsigned int object.

The function can be written as follows, as shown in the demo program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

unsigned int rotate_right( unsigned int x, size_t n )
    const size_t N = CHAR_BIT * sizeof( int );

    n %= N;

    return x >> n | x << ( N - n );

int main( void )
    unsigned int x = 0x12345678;

    size_t n = CHAR_BIT * sizeof( int );

        printf( "%x\n", x ); 
        x = rotate_right( x, CHAR_BIT / 2 );
    } while ( n -= CHAR_BIT / 2 );


Program output



You can remove the header <limits.h>

and count the number of bits in the type object unsigned int

using the following function

size_t bit_count()
    size_t n = 0;

    for ( unsigned int i = ~0u; i; i >>= 1 ) ++n;

    return n;




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