For Glassfish 3, why is DirectConnectionFactory giving me a NullPointerException due to blue when deploying my application?

After working for several weeks, I am unable to deploy my application with Glassfish 3 on my local machine. I get:

EJB container initialization error

and it seems like a null pointer exists:

com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectConnectionFactory._createConnectionId (

I sometimes change my application to point to a Glassfish instance on a different server, and I need to update the settings for the correct server, but I'm pretty sure the current configuration is correct for my local machine.

What can cause this sudden behavior?


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1 answer

A very likely solution, although not one that immediately becomes apparent, is that a lock has occurred. This often happens on a computer where the IP address is subject to change. This is one of the first checks to be made for a DirectConnectionFactory related error, and is a behavior carried over from Glassfish 2 (so this fix might work for that too).

What are you doing to fix this:

  • Go to the folder where your application is deployed (for me it is glassfish3 \ glassfish \ domains {MY_APPLICATION})
  • Look for imq / instances / imqbroker / lock
  • Delete this file
  • Restart glass fish
  • Try installing the app again.


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