How to keep track of rewriting ACL2?

How to track ACL2 rewriting? I'd love to know what's going on inside the tread. Is it advisable to look for this type of information or should I just follow the method?


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1 answer

Here are some relevant footprint shapes created by Matt Kaufman:

(trace$ (rewrite :cond (null ancestors)
                 :entry (list 'rewrite term alist)
                 :exit (list 'rewrite (cadr values))))

(trace$ (rewrite-with-lemma
         (list 'rewrite-with-lemma
               (base-symbol (access rewrite-rule lemma :rune)))
         (list 'rewrite-with-lemma (cadr values) (caddr values))))

(open-trace-file "my-trace-file") ; since renamed to big-trace.txt


Then run your proof you want to track



For this example, open the trace file, my-trace-file, in your favorite text editor.

As for your second question, 80% or more of ACL2 experts will say no, you don't need to know what's going on with the rewriter. I accidentally disagree with them, so I wrote this Q&A (as I will indirectly link to it via Google). You should also look into the "break-rewrite" and "dmr" options. See the Debugging section of the ACL2 documentation for more information.



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