SQL Server How to prevent SQL injection in dynamic sql

I have an ASP.Net MVC application that uses SQL 2012 as the database server. I have used Views stored procedures (with / without dynamic sql queries). I've heard that dynamic sql can fall victim to sql injection.

Here is one of my dynamic queries.

DECLARE @Username AS Varchar(100);
DECLARE @Password AS Varchar(100);

SET @Username = 'user1';
SET @Password = '123';


SET @Query = 'SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE Username ='+ @Username+ ' AND Password = '+@Password+';



How can I write this query preventing SQL injection?


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1 answer

The premise is essentially the same as in application code as it is in application code ... Never directly concatenate input as code, but instead treat it as a parameter. So if your request looks something like this:

SET @Query = 'SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE Username = @Username AND Password = @Password';


Then you can execute it with parameters with sp_executesql


exec sp_executesql @Query, N'@Username varchar(100), @Password varchar(100)', @Username, @Password




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