Pycairo Scale Distortion

I am trying to draw a circle on a png rectangular background. Whenever I try to draw a circle, it stretches to the scale of my image - making it an ellipse instead of a circle.

Here's the setup:

#set background image
surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png (image)
context = cairo.Context (surface)

WIDTH = cairo.ImageSurface.get_width(surface)
HEIGHT = cairo.ImageSurface.get_height(surface)
context.scale (WIDTH, HEIGHT)


And here is the circular drawing function (x coordinate, y coordinate, radius, color value) and functions used for positioning:

def draw_node(cx,cy,r, rgb):
  context.arc(x_scale(cx), y_scale(cy), r, 0, 2 * math.pi)

def x_scale (x):
  width = 1000.0
  return (x + .5) / width

def y_scale (y):
  height = 1000.0 * HEIGHT / WIDTH
  return (y + .5) / height


I would be especially grateful for any advice on how to solve the system scaling issue, but I would also like some advice on how to draw a circle within my existing setup.

Many thanks.


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1 answer

there is probably no way to avoid context.arc

drawing the ellipse when your scaling is not symmetrical. with your function, x_scale (x)

you only scale the center of the circle where it should be.

As a workaround, I suggest scaling both directions by the same amount; sacrifice, therefore x_max

, y_max

will be equal 1


i would change your code:

context.scale(HEIGHT, HEIGHT)
print('surface = 1 x {:1.2f}'.format(WIDTH/HEIGHT))

def draw_node(cx,cy,r, rgb):
  context.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, 2 * math.pi)


and do not scale (or scale 1000

if that's what you prefer).



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